Why are superfoods good for you

Top 5 Superfoods: Why Are They So Good For You And How You Can Add Them To Your Diet

Top 5 Superfoods: Why Are They So Good For You And How You Can Add Them To Your DietJune 22, 2023

As part of our collaboration with Fiovana we asked nutritionist Zara Stella to tell us about her top 5 Superfoods and what it is about them that makes them so super! 

Superfoods are nutrient dense foods packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which can help us to ward off diseases, lose weight, age better and live a healthier life. Here are my top 5 superfoods:


Like green tea, matcha comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. The big difference between matcha and other green tea is that matcha is grown in the shade, which increases the amount of cell-food chlorophyll in it and gives it its bright-green colour. Matcha is made by grinding up the tea leaves into a powder, creating a very concentrated version which tends to be quite expensive but a little goes a long way.